Friday 14 August 2015

Adobe Photoshop Tutorial - Advanced Compositing Techniques

I decided to advance my adobe skills and knowledge by trialling various tutorials which are available online.

Photoshop Tutorial: Advanced compositing techniques.

This photomontage by Serbian illustrator Becha was created for an haute couture fashion editorial called Silent Spring that appeared in her home country’s Faar magazine. It showcases the brightly coloured clothes and shoes of designer Ana Ljubinkovic, which are perfectly complemented by Vesna’s high-end photo-illustration style.
The work features photographic elements shot by Miloš Nadaždinin his studio, and hand-drawn type and elements created by Becha.

Below is my outcome, following the tutorial.

As you can see the result slightly differs from the above, a few steps were missed at this stage im not confident with using the paint brush at this stage and I wasn't too happy with the writing on the top.

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